Ex Africa, curated by Alfons Hug

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil

The show brings together video art, photography, installations, music, performance, etc. across four themes: echos of history, bodies and portraits, urban drama, and musical explosions.

The exhibition, curated by Alfons Hug, presents 18 artists from 8 African countries that arouse great international attention. They are joined by two Afro-Brazilian artists, Arjan Martins and Dalton Paula.


Artists include:

Abdulrazaq Awofeso (Nigeria), Andrew Tshabangu (South Africa), Arjan Martins (Brazil), Bineide Hyrcan (Angola), Clube Lagos, Dalton Paula (Brazil), Guy Tillim (South Africa), Ibrahim Mahama (Ghana), Jelili Atiku (Nigeria), Karo Akpokiere (Nigeria), Kiluanji Kia Henda (Angola), Kudzanai Chiurai (Zimbabwe), Leonce Raphael Agbodjélou (Benin), Mikhael Subotzky (South Africa), Mohau Modisakeng (South Africa), Nástio Mosquito (Angola), Nididi Dike (Nigeria), Omar Victor Diop (Senegal), Youssef Limoud (Egypt), Patrick Waterhouse (UK).


Published to accompany the traveling group exhibition, 'Ex Africa', curated by Alfons Hug, October 2017 - October 2018.

ISBN 978-85-5697-156-2

of 70