O Triangulo Atlantico

11th Bienal de Artes Visuals do Mercosul, Brazil

Under the title The Atlantic Triangle, the 11th Mercosul Visual Arts Biennial aims to take a look at the triangle that, for more than 500 years, has interconnected the destinations of America, Africa and Europe.


Bringing together about 70 artists and artist collectives - in addition to specific actions carried out in remaining quilombo communities located in the cities of Porto Alegre and Pelotas, the exhibition takes place from April 6 to June 3, 2018 in the spaces of the Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul, Memorial of Rio Grande do Sul, Santander Cultural, Praça da Alfândega and Nossa Senhora das Dores Church, in the Historic Center of Porto Alegre.


Based on the historical references listed during the preparation of the exhibition, the curatorial project includes works and artists from the three continents that make up the Atlantic triangle. By making these artists the protagonists of an exploration of the relations of cultural tension and contextual interdependence within this triangulation, the exhibition seeks, among other issues, to analyze what are the innovative forces that mobilize the interaction between America, Africa and Europe.


Catalogue published by the Fundaçao Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, to accompany the exhibition curated by Alfons Hug.


ISBN 978-85-99501-42-9

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