The Other Side of Now: Foresight in Contemporary Caribbean Art

Pérez Art Museum Miami

The Other Side of Now: Foresight in Contemporary Caribbean Art brings together 14 artists who engage with potential futures through personal experiences, collective memories, and historical legacies. The ambitious project presents existing and newly commissioned works of art in dialogue with one another while tackling a subject near and dear to the hearts of the Miami community.


Artists include:

Deborah Anzinger, Charles Campbell, Andrea Chung, Hulda Guzman., Deborah Jack, Louisa Marajo, Manuel Mathieu, Alicia Milne, Lavar Munroe, Angel Otero, Sheena Rose, Jamilah Sabur, Nyugen Smith, Cristina Tufiño


Published by Pérez Art Museum Miami to accompany the group exhibition, 19 July 2019 - 7 June 2020.


Curated by Maria Elena Ortiz and Dr. Marsha Pearce.

Editor: Kara Pickman, Pickman Editorial

ISBN: 9781792312083

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